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Contract Awarded - Acquisition by direct agreement of a hydraulic excavator (205F) and a transformer from the Supplier CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE on behalf of the BC-BBCOM Group (334)

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Acquisition by direct agreement of a hydraulic excavator (205F) and a transformer from the Supplier CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE on behalf of the BC-BBCOM Group (334) --
Acquisition par entente directe d'un hydraulic excavator (205F) et d'un transformateur auprès du Fournisseur CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE pour le compte du Groupement BC-BBCOM (334)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 30 Mar 2023 for the country of Burundi. It has been categorized on Parts of excavating machinery & Transformers & Electric motors, generators and transformers & Excavating machinery. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition par entente directe d'un hydraulic excavator (205F) et d'un transformateur auprès du Fournisseur CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE pour le compte du Groupement BC-BBCOM (334)

General Information

Contract Awarded - Acquisition by direct agreement of a hydraulic excavator (205F) and a transformer from the Supplier CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE on behalf of the BC-BBCOM Group (334)

Acquisition par entente directe d'un hydraulic excavator (205F) et d'un transformateur auprès du Fournisseur CHONGQING ONETOUCH BUSINESS SERVICE pour le compte du Groupement BC-BBCOM (334)
Contract Award
30 Mar 2023
Parts of excavating machinery , Transformers , Electric motors, generators and transformers , Excavating machinery

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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