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AMI - Burundi - Conception-fourniture, montage et mise en service des lignes de transport 30 kV dans 36 localités et transformateurs électriques associés - PAE

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This tender with title AMI - Burundi - Conception-fourniture, montage et mise en service des lignes de transport 30 kV dans 36 localités et transformateurs électriques associés - PAE --
AMI - Burundi - Design-supply, assembly and commissioning of 30 kV transmission lines in 36 localities and associated electrical transformers - PAE
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 Nov 2022 for the country of Burundi. It has been categorized on Electric motors, generators and transformers & Ancillary works for electricity power lines & Transformers & Construction work for electricity power lines. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

AMI - Burundi - Design-supply, assembly and commissioning of 30 kV transmission lines in 36 localities and associated electrical transformers - PAE

General Information

AMI - Burundi - Conception-fourniture, montage et mise en service des lignes de transport 30 kV dans 36 localités et transformateurs électriques associés - PAE

AMI - Burundi - Design-supply, assembly and commissioning of 30 kV transmission lines in 36 localities and associated electrical transformers - PAE
Invitation for Bids
4 Nov 2022
19 Dec 2022
Electric motors, generators and transformers , Ancillary works for electricity power lines , Transformers , Construction work for electricity power lines

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