
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Caloventilador de Pared Potencia 2000W Oscilante 2 ajustes de temperatura Apagado automático Protección contra sobrecalentamiento Termostato de seguridad Calefactor de cerámica de PTC Funcionamiento s

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Caloventilador de Pared Potencia 2000W Oscilante 2 ajustes de temperatura Apagado automático Protección contra sobrecalentamiento Termostato de seguridad Calefactor de cerámica de PTC Funcionamiento s -- Wall Heater Power 2000W Oscillating 2 temperature settings Automatic shutdown Protection against overheating Safety thermostat PTC ceramic heater Operation s has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 May 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Immersion thermostats & Ceramics. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Wall Heater Power 2000W Oscillating 2 temperature settings Automatic shutdown Protection against overheating Safety thermostat PTC ceramic heater Operation s

General Information

Caloventilador de Pared Potencia 2000W Oscilante 2 ajustes de temperatura Apagado automático Protección contra sobrecalentamiento Termostato de seguridad Calefactor de cerámica de PTC Funcionamiento s
Wall Heater Power 2000W Oscillating 2 temperature settings Automatic shutdown Protection against overheating Safety thermostat PTC ceramic heater Operation s
Invitation to Tender
15 May 2022
19 May 2022
Immersion thermostats , Ceramics

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