This tender with title Наладка взаимосвязанных подсистем (ТЗиБ, ФГУ, ДУ, АР и т.д.) и доработка ПО ПТК АСУ ТП ЭБ по узлу выносных охладителей конденсата энергоблока ПГУ-230 связанным с проектом «Модернизация технологических схем энергоблока ПГУ-230 Минской ТЭЦ-3». (1-ая очередь строительства). --//-- Adjustment of interconnected subsystems (TZiB, FGU, DU, AR, etc.) and revision of the PTK ACS TP EB for the unit of remote condensate coolers of the PGU-230 power unit associated with the project "Modernization of technological schemes of the PGU-230 power unit of Minsk TPP-3". (1st stage of construction). has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 May 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Stage construction works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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