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Выбор организации для предоставления в аренду техники с экипажем для выполнения работ по устройству переходов закрытым способом на объекте «Город-спутник Смолевичи. Квартал №2. Проект застройки. Инженерные сети, благоустройство, озеленение, сооружения». 3-я очередь строительства. Инженерные сети»

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This tender with title Выбор организации для предоставления в аренду техники с экипажем для выполнения работ по устройству переходов закрытым способом на объекте «Город-спутник Смолевичи. Квартал №2. Проект застройки. Инженерные сети, благоустройство, озеленение, сооружения». 3-я очередь строительства. Инженерные сети» -- Selection of an organization for leasing equipment with a crew to perform work on the installation of crossings in a closed way at the facility “Satellite City of Smolevichi. Quarter number 2. Building project. Engineering networks, landscaping, landscaping, structures. 3rd stage of construction. Network engineering" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Mar 2022 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Network equipment & Installation services of engines & Installation services of construction machinery & Stage construction works & Consultative engineering and construction services & Building construction work & Satellite communications equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Selection of an organization for leasing equipment with a crew to perform work on the installation of crossings in a closed way at the facility “Satellite City of Smolevichi. Quarter number 2. Building project. Engineering networks, landscaping, landscaping, structures. 3rd stage of construction. Network engineering"

General Information

Выбор организации для предоставления в аренду техники с экипажем для выполнения работ по устройству переходов закрытым способом на объекте «Город-спутник Смолевичи. Квартал №2. Проект застройки. Инженерные сети, благоустройство, озеленение, сооружения». 3-я очередь строительства. Инженерные сети»
Selection of an organization for leasing equipment with a crew to perform work on the installation of crossings in a closed way at the facility “Satellite City of Smolevichi. Quarter number 2. Building project. Engineering networks, landscaping, landscaping, structures. 3rd stage of construction. Network engineering"
Invitation to Tender
15 Mar 2022
23 Mar 2022
Network equipment , Installation services of engines , Installation services of construction machinery , Stage construction works , Consultative engineering and construction services , Building construction work , Satellite communications equipment

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