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Transformer substation tenders

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execution of works at the facility `` Construction and installation works: Reconstruction of the overhead line - 6 kV feeder 3 of the substation `` Prudovaya '' Votkinsk, with the construction of a branch line for VLZ-6 kV, the installation of a 6 / 0.4 kV transformer substation and the construction of a VLI-0.4 kV; Votkinsk, with the construction of a branch line for VLZ-6 kV, the installation of a 6 / 0.4 kV transformer substation and the construction of a VLI-0.4 kV; Turnkey works: Reconstruction of TP-1180 f.3 of Substation Zavyalovo with the installation of a 10 / 0.4 kV-250 kVA transformer and a dispatch cabinet at TP-1355, construction of a 0.4 kV overhead line from 0.4 kV overhead line TP-817 in the village of Sizevo Zavyalovsky Zavyalovsky district. (TP up to 15 kW); Turnkey works: Construction of branch lines for 0.4 kV overhead lines from 0.4 kV overhead lines at TP-1094, 975, 226, 1093, 319, 364, 338, 508, 297, 296 in the village of Russky Vozhoy, the village of Staroye Mikhailovskoye, the village of Yagul , DNT Mitino Zavyalovsky district and in the Ustinovsky district of Izhevsk. (TP up to 15 kW) '' based on the results of an open tender for the right to conclude framework agreements and on the basis of a competitive preliminary selection for the right to conclude framework agreements based on the results of an additional recruitment for subsequent participation in competitive procedures for the right to conclude contracts for the performance of construction, installation and commissioning works for distribution network facilities 0, 4 & ndash; 10 kV, switchgear 6-10 kV at substations (new construction, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, removal, repairs), as well as turnkey works; (works, including design and supply) for technological connection facilities for the needs of IDGC of Center and Volga Region, PJSC; - Udmurtenergo branch. based on the results of an open tender for the right to conclude framework agreements and on the basis of a competitive preliminary selection for the right to conclude framework agreements based on the results of an additional recruitment for subsequent participation in competitive procedures for the right to conclude contracts for the performance of construction, installation and commissioning works for distribution network facilities 0, 4 & ndash; 10 kV, switchgear 6-10 kV at substations (new construction, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, removal, repairs), as well as turnkey works; (works, including design and supply) for technological connection facilities for the needs of IDGC of Center and Volga Region, PJSC; - Udmurtenergo branch. based on the results of an open tender for the right to conclude framework agreements and on the basis of a competitive preliminary selection for the right to conclude framework agreements based on the results of an additional recruitment for subsequent participation in competitive procedures for the right to conclude contracts for the performance of construction, installation and commissioning works for distribution network facilities 0, 4 & ndash; 10 kV, switchgear 6-10 kV at substations (new construction, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, removal, repairs), as well as turnkey works; (works, including design and supply) for technological connection facilities for the needs of IDGC of Center and Volga Region, PJSC; - Udmurtenergo branch. -- выполнение работ на объекте «СМР: Реконструкция ВЛЗ - 6кВ фидер 3 ПС «Прудовая» г. Воткинск, со строительством отпайки ВЛЗ-6кВ, установкой ТП 6/0,4 кВ и строительством ВЛИ-0.4кВ;Реконструкция ВЛЗ - 6кВ фидер 3 ПС «Прудовая» г. Воткинск, со строительством отпайки ВЛЗ-6кВ, установкой ТП 6/0,4 кВ и строительством ВЛИ-0.4кВ; Работы под ключ: Реконструкция ТП-1180 ф.3 ПС Завьялово с установкой трансформатора 10/0.4 кВ-250 кВА и шкафа диспетчеризации на ТП-1355, строительство ВЛИ-0.4 кВ от ВЛ-0.4 кВ ТП-817 в д.Сизево Завьяловского Завьяловского района. (ТП до 15 кВт); Работы под ключ: Строительство отпаек ВЛИ-0.4 кВ от ВЛ-0.4 кВ ТП-1094, 975, 226, 1093, 319, 364, 338, 508, 297, 296 в д.Русский Вожой, д.Старое Михайловское, с.Ягул, ДНТ Митино Завьяловского района и в Устиновском районе г. Ижевска. (ТП до 15 кВт)» по итогам открытого конкурса на право заключения рамочных соглашений и по итогам конкурентного предварительного отбора на право заключения рамочных соглашений по результатам дополнительного набора для последующего участия в конкурентных процедурах на право заключения договоров на выполнение строительно-монтажных и пуско-наладочных работ по объектам распределительных сетей 0,4 – 10 кВ, РУ 6-10 кВ на ПС (новое строительство, техперевооружение, реконструкция, выносы, ремонты), а также работ «под ключ» (работ, включающих проектирование и поставку) по объектам технологического присоединения для нужд ПАО «МРСК Центра и Приволжья» - филиал Удмуртэнерго.
24 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021

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22 Mar 2021
19 Apr 2021

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22 Mar 2021
8 Apr 2021

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14 Mar 2021
12 Apr 2021

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No. 12, 1 st floor, Block B2, EGS Business Park, World Trade Center, Bakirkoy - Istanbul - Turkey
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