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Lot 1 - Reconstruction of the 6 kV transmission line for the power supply of Fatma Radio Television Station (RTS) and 0.4 kV internal energy economy lot 2 - 0.4 kV feeding the Radio Television Station in Khaltan village of Guba region. reconstruction of power transmission line

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Lot 1 - Reconstruction of the 6 kV transmission line for the power supply of Fatma Radio Television Station (RTS) and 0.4 kV internal energy economy lot 2 - 0.4 kV feeding the Radio Television Station in Khaltan village of Guba region. reconstruction of power transmission line has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Jun 2018 for the country of Azerbaijan. It has been categorized on Ancillary works for electricity power lines & Construction work for electricity power lines. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Lot 1 - Reconstruction of the 6 kV transmission line for the power supply of Fatma Radio Television Station (RTS) and 0.4 kV internal energy economy lot 2 - 0.4 kV feeding the Radio Television Station in Khaltan village of Guba region. reconstruction of power transmission line
Open Bid
18 Jun 2018
9 Jul 2018
Ancillary works for electricity power lines , Construction work for electricity power lines

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