
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Besoins en matériels pour magasins de stockage

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This tender with title Besoins en matériels pour magasins de stockage has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 May 2018 for the country of Mali. It has been categorized on Weighing machinery and scales. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Besoins en matériels pour magasins de stockage
Invitation to Bid
17 May 2018
23 May 2018
Weighing machinery and scales

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[div class = "container"] Save the Children is the world & # 39; s first independent organization for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them & agrave; realize their potential. We work together with our partners, & agrave; inspire major changes in the way the world treats children and & agrave; make immediate and lasting changes in their lives. We receive support & agrave; across the world to reach more children through & agrave; programs for health, nutrition, education, protection and governance of children's rights, both in development and development period only in humanitarian crises. & nbsp; We seek & agrave; recruit a consultant for the realization of the capitalization on the implementation; the scale of the CMAM SURGE approach, locations: Bamako, Kayes, S & eacute; gou and Mopti. -- <div class="container"> <p>Save the Children est la premi&egrave;re organisation ind&eacute;pendante au monde pour les enfants. Nous travaillons dans 120 pays. Nous sauvons la vie des enfants ; nous nous battons pour leurs droits ; nous les aidons &agrave; r&eacute;aliser leur potentiel. Nous travaillons de concert avec nos partenaires, &agrave; inspirer des changements majeurs dans la fa&ccedil;on dont le monde traite les enfants et &agrave; r&eacute;aliser des changements imm&eacute;diats et durables dans leurs vies. Nous recevons des appuis &agrave; travers le monde pour atteindre plus d'enfants gr&acirc;ce &agrave; des programmes de sant&eacute;, nutrition, &eacute;ducation, protection et gouvernance des droits de l'enfant, aussi bien en p&eacute;riode de d&eacute;veloppement que dans les crises humanitaires.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Nous cherchons &agrave; recruter un(e) consultant(e) pour la r&eacute;alisation de la capitalisation sur la mise &agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;chelle de l&rsquo;approche CMAM SURGE, lieux&nbsp;: &nbsp;Bamako, Kayes, S&eacute;gou et Mopti.</strong></p></div> Mali Recruitment of an office or cabinet for the rapid assessment of child labor in traditional and # 224; small & # 233; scale in Mali. Mali Recruitment of an office or firm for the rapid assessment of child labor in traditional and # 224; small & # 233; scale in Mali. Mali PROVISION OF THE FLOOR CARGO SCALES WITH CAPACITY OF 12000 KGS TO 150000 KGS, CALIBRATION AND TR ... Mali Purchase of WEIGHING MACHINE - 08522 India Awarded - Acquisition of a differential GPS for updating and connecting the Zero of the scales of hydrometric stations for the benefit of the DRE - Western and Central Africa -- <b>Contract Value: XOF 21222300</b> Multi-Country UNDP-EGY-00517- Supply and delivery of Scales - 10073 Egypt Procurement of Carbonless Print Paper for Truck Scale Operation at ESLF - 11687540 Philippines Delivery, Testing, and Commissioning of Infant Weighing Scale with ​Extra-Large Weighing Tray - 11694587 Philippines 48/2024 For the provision of services for the collection, transport and delivery, against documents of the weighing of each load, to the OEDA unit of Kosi, Municipality of Lakatamia - 38225 Cyprus
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