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Awarded - Professional Administrative Support - Provide support for the administrative and operational procedures required within the framework of the execution of IDB and World Bank loans, executed by the MIE as the executing entity of the FTSP. - Colombia

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This tender with title Awarded - Professional Administrative Support - Provide support for the administrative and operational procedures required within the framework of the execution of IDB and World Bank loans, executed by the MIE as the executing entity of the FTSP. - Colombia -- Contract Value: COP 48127800.00 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 03 Mar 2025 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Administration services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract Value: COP 48127800.00

General Information

Awarded - Professional Administrative Support - Provide support for the administrative and operational procedures required within the framework of the execution of IDB and World Bank loans, executed by the MIE as the executing entity of the FTSP. - Colombia
Contract Value: COP 48127800.00
Contract Award
3 Mar 2025
Administration services

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