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Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, preparing forest management maps, a plan for hunting activities and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires, as well as preparing a forest management plan for forest territories - state property in the area of ​​operation of the Gotse Delchev State Forestry Enterprise - 57951

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This tender with title Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, preparing forest management maps, a plan for hunting activities and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires, as well as preparing a forest management plan for forest territories - state property in the area of ​​operation of the Gotse Delchev State Forestry Enterprise - 57951 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 03 Feb 2025 for the country of Bulgaria. It has been categorized on Forest inventory services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, preparing forest management maps, a plan for hunting activities and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires, as well as preparing a forest management plan for forest territories - state property in the area of ​​operation of the Gotse Delchev State Forestry Enterprise - 57951
Invitation for Bids
3 Feb 2025
5 Mar 2025
Forest inventory services

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Bulgaria – Forest inventory services – Извършване на инвентаризация на горските територии независимо от тяхната собственост, изработване на горскостопански карти, ловностопански план и план за дейностите по опазване на ГТ от пожари в района на дейност на ТП „ДГС Белоградчик“ в границите на бившето ТП „ДГС Белоградчик“ и частта от бившето ТП „ДГС Миджур“, както и изработване на ГСП за ДГТ , попадащи в същия район на дейност Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, regardless of their ownership, forest management maps, a hunting plan and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires, as well as a forest management plan for state forest territories in the area of ​​operation of the TA SGS Acad. Nikolay Haitov, village of Hvoyna. - 56781 Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, regardless of their ownership, developing forest management maps, a hunting plan and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires in the area of ​​operation of the State Forestry Enterprise Tsarevo, as well as developing a forest management plan for the state forest territories falling within the same area of ​​operation. - 58492 Bulgaria Conducting an inventory of forest areas, regardless of their ownership, drafting a forest map, hunting plan and a plan for the activities to protect forest areas from fires - area of ​​activity of TA DLS-Balchik, municipality of Balchik, municipality of Kavarna, municipality of Shabla and municipality of Dobrich, region of Dobrich and municipality of Aksak, region of Varna, territory under the jurisdiction of SE SIDP city of Shumen, as well as drafting a forest plan for state forest areas falling within the same area of ​​activity. - 58901 Bulgaria Conducting an inventory of forest territories, regardless of their ownership, drawing up forest maps, drawing up a hunting plan and a plan for the activities to protect forest territories from fires - area of ​​activity of TA DLS-Sherba - within the borders of the former TA DGS-Staro Oryahovo, municipality of Dolni Chiflik, municipality of Byala and municipality of Avren, Varna region - territorial division of SE SIDP - city of Shumen and drawing up a forest plan for forest territories - state-owned - 8819 Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of forest areas and preparing forest management maps, a plan for hunting activities, activities to protect forest areas from fires and a forest management plan for state-owned forest areas in the area of ​​activity of TPDLS - Zhenda for the territory of the merged TP DGS Kardzhali within the borders of Kardzhali municipality and the villages of Barza Reka and Patitsa, Chernoochene municipality - 767167 Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, regardless of their ownership, developing forest management maps, a hunting plan and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires in the area of ​​activity of the State Forestry Agency STARA ZAGORA, as well as developing a forest management plan for the state forest territories falling within the same area of ​​activity. - 751408 Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of forest territories, regardless of their ownership, developing forest management maps, a hunting plan and a plan for activities to protect forest territories from fires in the area of ​​activity of the State Forestry Agency STARA ZAGORA, as well as developing a forest management plan for the state forest territories falling within the same area of ​​activity. - 733577 Bulgaria Carrying out an inventory of the forest territories, regardless of their ownership, drawing up forestry maps and a hunting management plan, a plan for the activities to protect the forest territories from fires in the area of ​​activity of the TP DGS Madzharovo, the city of Madzharovo, in the municipalities of Madzharovo, Harmanli, Simeonovgrad, region .Haskovo and forestry plan for the state-owned forest territories in the same area of ​​activity - 713179 Bulgaria Forest inventory services - Carrying out an inventory of the forest territories, regardless of their ownership, forestry maps, a hunting management plan and a plan for the activities to protect the forest territories from fires, as well as a forestry plan for the state forest territories in the area of ​​activity of TP DGS Acad. Nikolay Haitov, the village of Khvoyna - part / area of ​​activity of the former DGS - Khvoyna and forestry plan - 695499 Bulgaria
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