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Provision of ongoing services for the operation of Anvisa's Call Center, involving planning, implementation, operation, management, administration, supervision, monitoring, physical structure with equipment and… - 07552

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This tender with title Provision of ongoing services for the operation of Anvisa's Call Center, involving planning, implementation, operation, management, administration, supervision, monitoring, physical structure with equipment and… - 07552 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Dec 2024 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Call centre. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Provision of ongoing services for the operation of Anvisa's Call Center, involving planning, implementation, operation, management, administration, supervision, monitoring, physical structure with equipment and… - 07552
Invitation for Bids
24 Dec 2024
6 Jan 2025
Call centre

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