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Commissioning of the absorption heat pump installation in order to obtain additional, minimum thermal power from 2 heat pumps, amounting to 2 MWt in total, on the side of the lower heat source, at the Waste Neutralisation Plant in Szczecin. - 739973

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This tender with title Commissioning of the absorption heat pump installation in order to obtain additional, minimum thermal power from 2 heat pumps, amounting to 2 MWt in total, on the side of the lower heat source, at the Waste Neutralisation Plant in Szczecin. - 739973 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Dec 2024 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Installation services of machinery and equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Commissioning of the absorption heat pump installation in order to obtain additional, minimum thermal power from 2 heat pumps, amounting to 2 MWt in total, on the side of the lower heat source, at the Waste Neutralisation Plant in Szczecin. - 739973
Invitation for Bids
6 Dec 2024
8 Jan 2025
Installation services of machinery and equipment

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