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Carrying out post-investment monitoring in the years 2025-2027 in the field of the natural environment, together with the development of appropriate reports for the investment entitled: Construction of the Koszalin and Sianów bypass on the S6 together with the S11 section from the Bielice junction to the Koszalin-Zachód junction - 734051

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This tender with title Carrying out post-investment monitoring in the years 2025-2027 in the field of the natural environment, together with the development of appropriate reports for the investment entitled: Construction of the Koszalin and Sianów bypass on the S6 together with the S11 section from the Bielice junction to the Koszalin-Zachód junction - 734051 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Dec 2024 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Environmental quality control services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Carrying out post-investment monitoring in the years 2025-2027 in the field of the natural environment, together with the development of appropriate reports for the investment entitled: Construction of the Koszalin and Sianów bypass on the S6 together with the S11 section from the Bielice junction to the Koszalin-Zachód junction - 734051
Invitation for Bids
6 Dec 2024
17 Dec 2024
Environmental quality control services

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