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Awarded - Acquisition of metal cabinets for storing CENAMAF textbooks for the benefit of beneficiary establishments - OP00323094 - Burkina Faso

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This tender with title Awarded - Acquisition of metal cabinets for storing CENAMAF textbooks for the benefit of beneficiary establishments - OP00323094 - Burkina Faso -- Contract Value: XOF 33343400 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 28 Nov 2024 for the country of Burkina Faso. It has been categorized on Cabinets & Textbooks. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract Value: XOF 33343400

General Information

Awarded - Acquisition of metal cabinets for storing CENAMAF textbooks for the benefit of beneficiary establishments - OP00323094 - Burkina Faso
Contract Value: XOF 33343400
Contract Award
Burkina Faso
28 Nov 2024
Cabinets , Textbooks

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