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Supply and installation of bagged rock wool felt for thermoacoustic protection, including installation of the felt, removal and disposal of the existing felt, as well as protection of the en… - BS-08348

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This tender with title Supply and installation of bagged rock wool felt for thermoacoustic protection, including installation of the felt, removal and disposal of the existing felt, as well as protection of the en… - BS-08348 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Nov 2024 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Blasting and associated rock-removal work & Rock-removal work & Wool. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Supply and installation of bagged rock wool felt for thermoacoustic protection, including installation of the felt, removal and disposal of the existing felt, as well as protection of the en… - BS-08348
Invitation for Bids
21 Nov 2024
2 Dec 2024
Blasting and associated rock-removal work , Rock-removal work , Wool

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