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Supply of spare parts for Engine Overhauling, Fuel Pump, Gear box, Denting-Painting & other necessary repairing works of Tata Drum Truck No-02 of Noakhali Road Division under RHD, Workshop D… - SE, WC, Dhaka Memo No.194

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This tender with title Supply of spare parts for Engine Overhauling, Fuel Pump, Gear box, Denting-Painting & other necessary repairing works of Tata Drum Truck No-02 of Noakhali Road Division under RHD, Workshop D… - SE, WC, Dhaka Memo No.194 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Nov 2024 for the country of Bangladesh. It has been categorized on Engine parts & Parts of engines or motors & Paints and wallcoverings & Repair and maintenance services of pumps & Road paint & Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment & Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles & Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars & Roadworks & Motor vehicles for the transport of goods & Repair and maintenance services of buses & Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment & Fuel pumps & Construction work for highways, roads & Gearboxes & Repair and maintenance services of vehicle gearboxes & Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines & Articulated trucks & Road construction works & Repair and maintenance services of trucks & Parts of fuel pumps & Repair and maintenance services of cars. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Supply of spare parts for Engine Overhauling, Fuel Pump, Gear box, Denting-Painting & other necessary repairing works of Tata Drum Truck No-02 of Noakhali Road Division under RHD, Workshop D… - SE, WC, Dhaka Memo No.194
Invitation to Tender
18 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024
Engine parts , Parts of engines or motors , Paints and wallcoverings , Repair and maintenance services of pumps , Road paint , Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment , Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles , Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars , Roadworks , Motor vehicles for the transport of goods , Repair and maintenance services of buses , Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment , Fuel pumps , Construction work for highways, roads , Gearboxes , Repair and maintenance services of vehicle gearboxes , Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines , Articulated trucks , Road construction works , Repair and maintenance services of trucks , Parts of fuel pumps , Repair and maintenance services of cars

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