
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Delivery, assembly and commissioning of an angiography device for the Hospital Hemodynamics Department, as part of the task of Improving access to hospital diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases by co-financing the purchase of an angiography device in 2024 - National Cardiovascular Diseases Program for 2022-2032 - 646207

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Delivery, assembly and commissioning of an angiography device for the Hospital Hemodynamics Department, as part of the task of Improving access to hospital diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases by co-financing the purchase of an angiography device in 2024 - National Cardiovascular Diseases Program for 2022-2032 - 646207 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 28 Oct 2024 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Diagnostic supplies & Diagnostic ultrasound devices & Digital angiography devices & Angiography supplies & Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies & Diagnostic kits & Cardiovascular devices & Angiography devices & Diagnostic systems & Diagnostic X-ray system & Diagnostic devices. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Delivery, assembly and commissioning of an angiography device for the Hospital Hemodynamics Department, as part of the task of Improving access to hospital diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases by co-financing the purchase of an angiography device in 2024 - National Cardiovascular Diseases Program for 2022-2032 - 646207
Invitation for Bids
28 Oct 2024
8 Nov 2024
Diagnostic supplies , Diagnostic ultrasound devices , Digital angiography devices , Angiography supplies , Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies , Diagnostic kits , Cardiovascular devices , Angiography devices , Diagnostic systems , Diagnostic X-ray system , Diagnostic devices

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