
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Supply of equipment for mobile radiocommunications laboratory in 5G and 6G technologies (LARMOTEC-5G) (4 lots). Proj. TSI-064100-2023-1 of the UNICO R&D 6G 2023 Grants Agreement. Program: Scientific-technical research and equipment infrastructures. Modality: Scientific-technical equipment. Funded by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Works and the European Union-NextGenerationEU). - 622928

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This tender with title Supply of equipment for mobile radiocommunications laboratory in 5G and 6G technologies (LARMOTEC-5G) (4 lots). Proj. TSI-064100-2023-1 of the UNICO R&D 6G 2023 Grants Agreement. Program: Scientific-technical research and equipment infrastructures. Modality: Scientific-technical equipment. Funded by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Works and the European Union-NextGenerationEU). - 622928 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 Oct 2024 for the country of Spain. It has been categorized on Instruments for measuring electrical quantities. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Supply of equipment for mobile radiocommunications laboratory in 5G and 6G technologies (LARMOTEC-5G) (4 lots). Proj. TSI-064100-2023-1 of the UNICO R&D 6G 2023 Grants Agreement. Program: Scientific-technical research and equipment infrastructures. Modality: Scientific-technical equipment. Funded by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Works and the European Union-NextGenerationEU). - 622928
Invitation for Bids
17 Oct 2024
14 Nov 2024
Instruments for measuring electrical quantities

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