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Supply of reagents, control materials, calibrators and consumables for performing immunochemical tests in the field of autoimmunology, including the lease of an analyzer for a period of 48 months for the needs of the Laboratory Diagnostics Department - Poland

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This tender with title Supply of reagents, control materials, calibrators and consumables for performing immunochemical tests in the field of autoimmunology, including the lease of an analyzer for a period of 48 months for the needs of the Laboratory Diagnostics Department - Poland has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Jul 2024 for the country of Poland. It has been categorized on Analysers & Calibration services & Diagnostic devices & Chemical reagents. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Supply of reagents, control materials, calibrators and consumables for performing immunochemical tests in the field of autoimmunology, including the lease of an analyzer for a period of 48 months for the needs of the Laboratory Diagnostics Department - Poland
Invitation for Bids
29 Jul 2024
27 Aug 2024
Analysers , Calibration services , Diagnostic devices , Chemical reagents

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