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Awarded - Contract for services: distribution loops - internet connection, configuration and security for implementing the national system for emergency telemedicine - Romania

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This tender with title Awarded - Contract for services: distribution loops - internet connection, configuration and security for implementing the national system for emergency telemedicine - Romania -- Contract Value: EUR 214200.00 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Jul 2024 for the country of Romania. It has been categorized on Internet services & Security, fire-fighting and police equipment & Internet service providers ISP & Surveillance and security systems and devices & Security equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract Value: EUR 214200.00

General Information

Awarded - Contract for services: distribution loops - internet connection, configuration and security for implementing the national system for emergency telemedicine - Romania
Contract Value: EUR 214200.00
Contract Award
25 Jul 2024
Internet services , Security, fire-fighting and police equipment , Internet service providers ISP , Surveillance and security systems and devices , Security equipment

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