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Beef - Purchase of food products of animal origin, broken down into batches: beef, chicken and canned meat. - Lot 1 - Beef; - Lot 2- Chicken meat; - Lot 3- Canned meat; - 346090-2024

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This tender with title Beef - Purchase of food products of animal origin, broken down into batches: beef, chicken and canned meat. - Lot 1 - Beef; - Lot 2- Chicken meat; - Lot 3- Canned meat; - 346090-2024 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 Jun 2024 for the country of Romania. It has been categorized on Beef. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Beef - Purchase of food products of animal origin, broken down into batches: beef, chicken and canned meat. - Lot 1 - Beef; - Lot 2- Chicken meat; - Lot 3- Canned meat; - 346090-2024
Invitation for Bids
17 Jun 2024
11 Jul 2024

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