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Electricity - Supply of net electrical energy - low voltage and selection of the coordinator of the balancing group for the street lighting objects of the Municipality of Gabrovo - 335270-2024

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This tender with title Electricity - Supply of net electrical energy - low voltage and selection of the coordinator of the balancing group for the street lighting objects of the Municipality of Gabrovo - 335270-2024 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 10 Jun 2024 for the country of Bulgaria. It has been categorized on Street-lighting equipment & Electricity & Street-lighting maintenance services & Lighting equipment and electric lamps & Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting & Electricity distribution & Street lamps. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Electricity - Supply of net electrical energy - low voltage and selection of the coordinator of the balancing group for the street lighting objects of the Municipality of Gabrovo - 335270-2024
Invitation for Bids
10 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024
Street-lighting equipment , Electricity , Street-lighting maintenance services , Lighting equipment and electric lamps , Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting , Electricity distribution , Street lamps

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