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Environmental planning – Study to prioritize the vulnerability of surface and groundwater resources across the entire DiRIF road network, with the aim of prioritizing the allocation of credits allocated to the management of blue dependencies. - 254424-2024

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This tender with title Environmental planning – Study to prioritize the vulnerability of surface and groundwater resources across the entire DiRIF road network, with the aim of prioritizing the allocation of credits allocated to the management of blue dependencies. - 254424-2024 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 May 2024 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Environmental planning. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Environmental planning – Study to prioritize the vulnerability of surface and groundwater resources across the entire DiRIF road network, with the aim of prioritizing the allocation of credits allocated to the management of blue dependencies. - 254424-2024
Invitation for Bids
1 May 2024
7 Jun 2024
Environmental planning

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