
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Health and safety consultancy services – “Technical assistance to the Directorate of Rural and Coastal Development and European Policies for advice, support and development of actions, projects and activities of interest with a gender perspective within the framework of the sectoral prevention strategy in the food and wood value chain of Euskadi 2019-2025 (Euskadipreben)". - 244396-2024

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Health and safety consultancy services – “Technical assistance to the Directorate of Rural and Coastal Development and European Policies for advice, support and development of actions, projects and activities of interest with a gender perspective within the framework of the sectoral prevention strategy in the food and wood value chain of Euskadi 2019-2025 (Euskadipreben)". - 244396-2024 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Apr 2024 for the country of Spain. It has been categorized on Health and safety consultancy services & Safety consultancy services & Health and safety services & Technical analysis or consultancy services & Technical assistance services & Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Health and safety consultancy services – “Technical assistance to the Directorate of Rural and Coastal Development and European Policies for advice, support and development of actions, projects and activities of interest with a gender perspective within the framework of the sectoral prevention strategy in the food and wood value chain of Euskadi 2019-2025 (Euskadipreben)". - 244396-2024
Invitation for Bids
29 Apr 2024
28 May 2024
Health and safety consultancy services , Safety consultancy services , Health and safety services , Technical analysis or consultancy services , Technical assistance services , Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services

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