
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Emergency/Repair/maintenance/Supply work at Jashore Airport during the year 2023-2024 (S.H:-Replacement of cable duct cover, de-humidifier including security light fittings and oth… - 30.31.0000.401.

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This tender with title Emergency/Repair/maintenance/Supply work at Jashore Airport during the year 2023-2024 (S.H:-Replacement of cable duct cover, de-humidifier including security light fittings and oth… - 30.31.0000.401. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Apr 2024 for the country of Bangladesh. It has been categorized on Medical equipments & Lighting equipment and electric lamps & Cable & Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment & Cable, wire and related products & Repair and maintenance services & Cable ducts & Lamps and light fittings & Ducting. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Emergency/Repair/maintenance/Supply work at Jashore Airport during the year 2023-2024 (S.H:-Replacement of cable duct cover, de-humidifier including security light fittings and oth… - 30.31.0000.401.
Invitation to Tender
29 Apr 2024
9 May 2024
Medical equipments , Lighting equipment and electric lamps , Cable , Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment , Cable, wire and related products , Repair and maintenance services , Cable ducts , Lamps and light fittings , Ducting

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