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Awarded - Creation of the Environmental and Social Impact Notice (NIES) for the construction work of a crossing at Banakeledaga on the RN9 (Banakeledaga-Desso) in the Hauts Bassins region. - OP00284214

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This tender with title Awarded - Creation of the Environmental and Social Impact Notice (NIES) for the construction work of a crossing at Banakeledaga on the RN9 (Banakeledaga-Desso) in the Hauts Bassins region. - OP00284214 -- Contract Value: XOF 14370000 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Apr 2024 for the country of Burkina Faso. It has been categorized on Construction work & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Environmental impact assessment for construction & Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract Value: XOF 14370000

General Information

Awarded - Creation of the Environmental and Social Impact Notice (NIES) for the construction work of a crossing at Banakeledaga on the RN9 (Banakeledaga-Desso) in the Hauts Bassins region. - OP00284214
Contract Value: XOF 14370000
Contract Award
Burkina Faso
24 Apr 2024
Construction work , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , Environmental impact assessment for construction , Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction

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