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ot 1 - Construction of Bayramzade substation and office building of 110/35/10 kV at the intersection of Yasamal district, M. Mukhtarov and Ch.Mustafayev Streets.

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This tender with title ot 1 - Construction of Bayramzade substation and office building of 110/35/10 kV at the intersection of Yasamal district, M. Mukhtarov and Ch.Mustafayev Streets. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Mar 2018 for the country of Azerbaijan. It has been categorized on Building construction work & Substation construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

ot 1 - Construction of Bayramzade substation and office building of 110/35/10 kV at the intersection of Yasamal district, M. Mukhtarov and Ch.Mustafayev Streets.
Open Bid
19 Mar 2018
12 Apr 2018
Building construction work , Substation construction work

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