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Provision of external expert assistance for the organization and management of the project "Improving the quality of atmospheric air in the municipality of Ruse", financed under the Environmental Program 2021-2027.

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This tender with title Provision of external expert assistance for the organization and management of the project "Improving the quality of atmospheric air in the municipality of Ruse", financed under the Environmental Program 2021-2027. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jan 2024 for the country of Bulgaria. It has been categorized on Project-management services other than for construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Provision of external expert assistance for the organization and management of the project "Improving the quality of atmospheric air in the municipality of Ruse", financed under the Environmental Program 2021-2027.
Invitation for Bids
12 Jan 2024
5 Feb 2024
Project-management services other than for construction work

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