
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Awarded - Biomedical waste treatment service at the level of the CRTS of Koudougou, and the DPD/PS of Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou and Gaoua in connection with the national biomedical waste management plan by order order - Contract Value: XOF 79933200

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This tender with title Awarded - Biomedical waste treatment service at the level of the CRTS of Koudougou, and the DPD/PS of Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou and Gaoua in connection with the national biomedical waste management plan by order order - Contract Value: XOF 79933200 --

Prestation de traitement des déchets biomédicaux au niveau du CRTS de Koudougou, et des DPD/PS de Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou et Gaoua en lien avec le plan national de gestion des déchets biomédicaux par ordre de commande
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 Dec 2023 for the country of Burkina Faso. It has been categorized on Refuse disposal and treatment & Medical waste services & Waste-tip management services & Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Prestation de traitement des déchets biomédicaux au niveau du CRTS de Koudougou, et des DPD/PS de Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou et Gaoua en lien avec le plan national de gestion des déchets biomédicaux par ordre de commande

General Information

Awarded - Biomedical waste treatment service at the level of the CRTS of Koudougou, and the DPD/PS of Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou and Gaoua in connection with the national biomedical waste management plan by order order - Contract Value: XOF 79933200
Prestation de traitement des déchets biomédicaux au niveau du CRTS de Koudougou, et des DPD/PS de Ouahigouya, Kaya, Dédougou et Gaoua en lien avec le plan national de gestion des déchets biomédicaux par ordre de commande
Contract Award
Burkina Faso
4 Dec 2023
Refuse disposal and treatment , Medical waste services , Waste-tip management services , Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services

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