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Supply of a spectrofluorimeter to carry out steady state and lifetime measurements

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This tender with title Supply of a spectrofluorimeter to carry out steady state and lifetime measurements --

Suministro de un espectrofluorímetro para la realización de medidas en estado estacionario y de tiempo de vida
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Nov 2023 for the country of Spain. It has been categorized on Spectrometers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Suministro de un espectrofluorímetro para la realización de medidas en estado estacionario y de tiempo de vida

General Information

Supply of a spectrofluorimeter to carry out steady state and lifetime measurements
Suministro de un espectrofluorímetro para la realización de medidas en estado estacionario y de tiempo de vida
Invitation for Bids
27 Nov 2023
7 Dec 2023

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