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Selection of a Consultant for the position of Technical Expert - Operations Manager of WACA-ResIP II GB

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This tender with title Selection of a Consultant for the position of Technical Expert - Operations Manager of WACA-ResIP II GB --

Sélection d'un(e) Consultant(e) pour le poste d'Expert(e) Technique - Responsable des Opérations du WACA-ResIP II GB
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Nov 2023 for the country of Guinea-Bissau. It has been categorized on Technical analysis or consultancy services & Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Sélection d'un(e) Consultant(e) pour le poste d'Expert(e) Technique - Responsable des Opérations du WACA-ResIP II GB

General Information

Selection of a Consultant for the position of Technical Expert - Operations Manager of WACA-ResIP II GB
Sélection d'un(e) Consultant(e) pour le poste d'Expert(e) Technique - Responsable des Opérations du WACA-ResIP II GB
Request for Expression of Interest
19 Nov 2023
23 Nov 2023
Technical analysis or consultancy services , Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services

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