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Recruitment of a consultant to carry out an opportunity study for the construction of a national data center and the delegation of its management to the private sector

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This tender with title Recruitment of a consultant to carry out an opportunity study for the construction of a national data center and the delegation of its management to the private sector --

Recrutement d’un consultant pour réaliser une étude d'opportunité pour la construction d’un datacenter national et la délégation de sa gestion au privé
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Oct 2023 for the country of Burkina Faso. It has been categorized on Consultative engineering and construction services & Construction management services & Construction project management services & Construction consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Recrutement d’un consultant pour réaliser une étude d'opportunité pour la construction d’un datacenter national et la délégation de sa gestion au privé

General Information

Recruitment of a consultant to carry out an opportunity study for the construction of a national data center and the delegation of its management to the private sector
Recrutement d’un consultant pour réaliser une étude d'opportunité pour la construction d’un datacenter national et la délégation de sa gestion au privé
Request for Expression of Interest
Burkina Faso
29 Oct 2023
7 Nov 2023
Consultative engineering and construction services , Construction management services , Construction project management services , Construction consultancy services

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