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Awarded - Supply of motorcycles for transportation, in support of the National Soil and Water Conservation System, and the Conservation of Protected Areas

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This tender with title Awarded - Supply of motorcycles for transportation, in support of the National Soil and Water Conservation System, and the Conservation of Protected Areas --

Adquisición de motocicletas para transporte, como apoyo al Sistema Nacional de Conservación de Suelos y Agua, y a la Conservación de Áreas Protegidas
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 29 Oct 2023 for the country of Dominican Republic. It has been categorized on Motorcycles. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Adquisición de motocicletas para transporte, como apoyo al Sistema Nacional de Conservación de Suelos y Agua, y a la Conservación de Áreas Protegidas

General Information

Awarded - Supply of motorcycles for transportation, in support of the National Soil and Water Conservation System, and the Conservation of Protected Areas
Adquisición de motocicletas para transporte, como apoyo al Sistema Nacional de Conservación de Suelos y Agua, y a la Conservación de Áreas Protegidas
Contract Award
Dominican Republic
29 Oct 2023

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