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General repairs and reconstruction of the Bishkent irrigation pumping station, Nosiri Khisrav district, Khatlon region - 418470

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This tender with title General repairs and reconstruction of the Bishkent irrigation pumping station, Nosiri Khisrav district, Khatlon region - 418470 --

Генеральный ремонт и реконструкция ирригационной насосной станции Бишкент района Носири Хисрав, Хатлонской облати
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Oct 2023 for the country of Tajikistan. It has been categorized on Pumping station construction work & Repair and maintenance services of pumps. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Генеральный ремонт и реконструкция ирригационной насосной станции Бишкент района Носири Хисрав, Хатлонской облати

General Information

General repairs and reconstruction of the Bishkent irrigation pumping station, Nosiri Khisrav district, Khatlon region - 418470
Генеральный ремонт и реконструкция ирригационной насосной станции Бишкент района Носири Хисрав, Хатлонской облати
Invitation for Bids
27 Oct 2023
14 Nov 2023
Pumping station construction work , Repair and maintenance services of pumps

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