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Recruitment of an NGO/Entity for training, supervision, monitoring and support for beneficiaries of CVR-Bangui in IT and Office Automation (NICT) in Bangui in CAR (PHASE VIII).

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This tender with title Recruitment of an NGO/Entity for training, supervision, monitoring and support for beneficiaries of CVR-Bangui in IT and Office Automation (NICT) in Bangui in CAR (PHASE VIII). -- Original Text -- Recrutement d’une ONG/Entité pour la formation, encadrement, suivi et accompagnement des bénéficiaires du CVR-Bangui en Informatique et Bureautique (NTIC) à Bangui en RCA (PHASE VIII). has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Oct 2023 for the country of Nicaragua. It has been categorized on Office automation software development services & Office automation equipment & Office automation software package. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Original Text -- Recrutement d’une ONG/Entité pour la formation, encadrement, suivi et accompagnement des bénéficiaires du CVR-Bangui en Informatique et Bureautique (NTIC) à Bangui en RCA (PHASE VIII).

General Information

Recruitment of an NGO/Entity for training, supervision, monitoring and support for beneficiaries of CVR-Bangui in IT and Office Automation (NICT) in Bangui in CAR (PHASE VIII).
Original Text -- Recrutement d’une ONG/Entité pour la formation, encadrement, suivi et accompagnement des bénéficiaires du CVR-Bangui en Informatique et Bureautique (NTIC) à Bangui en RCA (PHASE VIII).
Invitation to Bid
18 Oct 2023
3 Nov 2023
Office automation software development services , Office automation equipment , Office automation software package

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