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Concession assignment through private initiative project financing pursuant to art. 183, paragraph 15 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 on the management and extension of telematic services

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This tender with title Concession assignment through private initiative project financing pursuant to art. 183, paragraph 15 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 on the management and extension of telematic services -- Original Text -- Affidamento in concessione mediante project financing di iniziativa privata ai sensi dell'art. 183, comma 15 del d.lgs. 50/2016 della gestione ed estensione dei servizi telematici has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Oct 2023 for the country of Italy. It has been categorized on Wide area network services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Original Text -- Affidamento in concessione mediante project financing di iniziativa privata ai sensi dell'art. 183, comma 15 del d.lgs. 50/2016 della gestione ed estensione dei servizi telematici

General Information

Concession assignment through private initiative project financing pursuant to art. 183, paragraph 15 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 on the management and extension of telematic services
Original Text -- Affidamento in concessione mediante project financing di iniziativa privata ai sensi dell'art. 183, comma 15 del d.lgs. 50/2016 della gestione ed estensione dei servizi telematici
Invitation for Bids
18 Oct 2023
20 Nov 2023
Wide area network services

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