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Supply of air flow sensors for newborns compatible with ventilators "C2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical) - 0338300007823000159

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This tender with title Supply of air flow sensors for newborns compatible with ventilators "C2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical) - 0338300007823000159 -- Russian Text -- Поставка датчиков воздушного потока для новорожденных совместимых с аппаратами ИВЛ "С2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Oct 2023 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Sensors & Ventilators & Extraction ventilators. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Russian Text -- Поставка датчиков воздушного потока для новорожденных совместимых с аппаратами ИВЛ "С2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical)

General Information

Supply of air flow sensors for newborns compatible with ventilators "C2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical) - 0338300007823000159
Russian Text -- Поставка датчиков воздушного потока для новорожденных совместимых с аппаратами ИВЛ "С2", "G5" (Hamilton Medical)
Invitation for Bids
16 Oct 2023
18 Oct 2023
Sensors , Ventilators , Extraction ventilators

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