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Supplying chlorine to the cooling water stations of the Public Authority for Industry in the Shuaiba Industrial Zone for the two stations (the northern station and the southern station)

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This tender with title Supplying chlorine to the cooling water stations of the Public Authority for Industry in the Shuaiba Industrial Zone for the two stations (the northern station and the southern station) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Oct 2023 for the country of Kuwait. It has been categorized on Stator cooling water systems & Chlorine & Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Supplying chlorine to the cooling water stations of the Public Authority for Industry in the Shuaiba Industrial Zone for the two stations (the northern station and the southern station)
Invitation to Tender
هـ ع ص / 30 / 2022
11 Oct 2023
Stator cooling water systems , Chlorine , Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds

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