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Benin - Purchase of: (lot 1) Personal protective equipment for fighting fire for the benefit of the UIGP, (lot 2) Equipment for reforestation groups.

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This tender with title Benin - Purchase of: (lot 1) Personal protective equipment for fighting fire for the benefit of the UIGP, (lot 2) Equipment for reforestation groups. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Sep 2023 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Firefighting, rescue and safety equipment & Protective and safety clothing & Safety equipment & Security, fire-fighting and police equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Benin - Purchase of: (lot 1) Personal protective equipment for fighting fire for the benefit of the UIGP, (lot 2) Equipment for reforestation groups.
Invitation for Bids
26 Sep 2023
2 Nov 2023
Firefighting, rescue and safety equipment , Protective and safety clothing , Safety equipment , Security, fire-fighting and police equipment

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