
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Ukraine - Low-value equipment for snowboarding (Order 2654 as amended) DK 021:2015: 37410000-5 - Equipment for outdoor sports games - UA-2023-09-15-005694-a

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Ukraine - Low-value equipment for snowboarding (Order 2654 as amended) DK 021:2015: 37410000-5 - Equipment for outdoor sports games - UA-2023-09-15-005694-a has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Sep 2023 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Skiing and snowboarding equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Ukraine - Low-value equipment for snowboarding (Order 2654 as amended) DK 021:2015: 37410000-5 - Equipment for outdoor sports games - UA-2023-09-15-005694-a
Invitation to Tender
18 Sep 2023
25 Sep 2023
Skiing and snowboarding equipment

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