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Acord cadru furnizare - Cartele si reactivi pentru determinarea grupelor sanguine, cu punerea la dispozitie, cu titlu gratuit, a unei Linii imunohematologice, respectiv a unui Dispozitiv omologat pentru dezghetarea si incalzirea plasmei si a unitatilor de sange (PLASMATHERM)

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This tender with title Acord cadru furnizare - Cartele si reactivi pentru determinarea grupelor sanguine, cu punerea la dispozitie, cu titlu gratuit, a unei Linii imunohematologice, respectiv a unui Dispozitiv omologat pentru dezghetarea si incalzirea plasmei si a unitatilor de sange (PLASMATHERM) --

Supply framework agreement - Cards and reagents for determining blood groups, with the provision, free of charge, of an immunohematological Line, respectively of an approved Device for thawing and heating plasma and blood units (PLASMATHERM)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 23 Aug 2023 for the country of Romania. It has been categorized on Blood-grouping reagents. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Supply framework agreement - Cards and reagents for determining blood groups, with the provision, free of charge, of an immunohematological Line, respectively of an approved Device for thawing and heating plasma and blood units (PLASMATHERM)

General Information

Acord cadru furnizare - Cartele si reactivi pentru determinarea grupelor sanguine, cu punerea la dispozitie, cu titlu gratuit, a unei Linii imunohematologice, respectiv a unui Dispozitiv omologat pentru dezghetarea si incalzirea plasmei si a unitatilor de sange (PLASMATHERM)
Supply framework agreement - Cards and reagents for determining blood groups, with the provision, free of charge, of an immunohematological Line, respectively of an approved Device for thawing and heating plasma and blood units (PLASMATHERM)
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 160-507724
23 Aug 2023
21 Sep 2023
Blood-grouping reagents

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