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Awarded - Mise en place d’un Système de Gestion Electronique du Courrier (SYGEC) au profit du MFFPE (Contract Value: XOF 5000000)

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This tender with title Awarded - Mise en place d’un Système de Gestion Electronique du Courrier (SYGEC) au profit du MFFPE (Contract Value: XOF 5000000) --

Implementation of an Electronic Mail Management System (SYGEC) for the benefit of the MFFPE
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 19 Aug 2023 for the country of Senegal. It has been categorized on Electronic equipment & Electronic mail service provider. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Implementation of an Electronic Mail Management System (SYGEC) for the benefit of the MFFPE

General Information

Awarded - Mise en place d’un Système de Gestion Electronique du Courrier (SYGEC) au profit du MFFPE (Contract Value: XOF 5000000)
Implementation of an Electronic Mail Management System (SYGEC) for the benefit of the MFFPE
Contract Award
19 Aug 2023
Electronic equipment , Electronic mail service provider

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