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Razvoj i nadogradnje centraliziranog informacijskog sustava za upravljanje standardiziranim skupinama podataka (e-Matica)

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This tender with title Razvoj i nadogradnje centraliziranog informacijskog sustava za upravljanje standardiziranim skupinama podataka (e-Matica) --

Development and upgrades of the centralized information system for managing standardized data groups (e-Matica)
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 Aug 2023 for the country of Croatia. It has been categorized on Programming services of systems and user software. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Development and upgrades of the centralized information system for managing standardized data groups (e-Matica)

General Information

Razvoj i nadogradnje centraliziranog informacijskog sustava za upravljanje standardiziranim skupinama podataka (e-Matica)
Development and upgrades of the centralized information system for managing standardized data groups (e-Matica)
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 151-482424
9 Aug 2023
8 Sep 2023
Programming services of systems and user software

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