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Studijska dokumentacija za pripremu projekta sustava zaštite od poplava Baranje uređenjem desnoobalnih dunavskih nasipa i lijevoobalnih dravskih nasipa uz prijedlog mjera smanjenja rizika od poplava

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This tender with title Studijska dokumentacija za pripremu projekta sustava zaštite od poplava Baranje uređenjem desnoobalnih dunavskih nasipa i lijevoobalnih dravskih nasipa uz prijedlog mjera smanjenja rizika od poplava --

Study documentation for the preparation of the Baranje flood protection system project by arranging the right-bank Danube embankments and the left-bank Drava embankments with a proposal for flood risk reduction measures
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 Aug 2023 for the country of Croatia. It has been categorized on Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Study documentation for the preparation of the Baranje flood protection system project by arranging the right-bank Danube embankments and the left-bank Drava embankments with a proposal for flood risk reduction measures

General Information

Studijska dokumentacija za pripremu projekta sustava zaštite od poplava Baranje uređenjem desnoobalnih dunavskih nasipa i lijevoobalnih dravskih nasipa uz prijedlog mjera smanjenja rizika od poplava
Study documentation for the preparation of the Baranje flood protection system project by arranging the right-bank Danube embankments and the left-bank Drava embankments with a proposal for flood risk reduction measures
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 149-476421
9 Aug 2023
7 Sep 2023
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis

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