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Contrat cadre Travaux Infrastructures et réseaux informatiques pour le compte du CEA, centre de Valduc

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This tender with title Contrat cadre Travaux Infrastructures et réseaux informatiques pour le compte du CEA, centre de Valduc --

Infrastructure and computer network works framework contract on behalf of the CEA, Valduc center
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 07 Aug 2023 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Installation of computer cabling. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Infrastructure and computer network works framework contract on behalf of the CEA, Valduc center

General Information

Contrat cadre Travaux Infrastructures et réseaux informatiques pour le compte du CEA, centre de Valduc
Infrastructure and computer network works framework contract on behalf of the CEA, Valduc center
Invitation for Bids
7 Aug 2023
13 Sep 2023
Installation of computer cabling

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