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услуги по проведению режимно - наладочных испытаний двух паровых котлов ДКВР 4/13 инв. № 01310001,ДКВР 4/13 инв.01310002 с разработкой режимных карт - 0364100003023000010

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This tender with title услуги по проведению режимно - наладочных испытаний двух паровых котлов ДКВР 4/13 инв. № 01310001,ДКВР 4/13 инв.01310002 с разработкой режимных карт - 0364100003023000010 --

services for carrying out regime and adjustment tests of two steam boilers DKVR 4/13 inv. No. 01310001, DKVR 4/13 inv. 01310002 with the development of regime cards
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Jul 2023 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Steam-generating boilers. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

services for carrying out regime and adjustment tests of two steam boilers DKVR 4/13 inv. No. 01310001, DKVR 4/13 inv. 01310002 with the development of regime cards

General Information

услуги по проведению режимно - наладочных испытаний двух паровых котлов ДКВР 4/13 инв. № 01310001,ДКВР 4/13 инв.01310002 с разработкой режимных карт - 0364100003023000010
services for carrying out regime and adjustment tests of two steam boilers DKVR 4/13 inv. No. 01310001, DKVR 4/13 inv. 01310002 with the development of regime cards
Invitation for Bids
27 Jul 2023
31 Jul 2023
Steam-generating boilers

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