This tender with title Contratação de empresa especializada para, sob demanda, prestar serviços de engenharia, inerentes aos serviços comuns de engenharia, manutenção predial de imóveis, reparos, adequações e adaptações, com fornecimento de peças, equipamentos, materiais e mão de obra, na forma estabelecida nas planilhas de serviços e insumos diversos descritos no Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil, doravante denominado SINAPI -- Hiring a specialized company to, on demand, provide engineering services, inherent to common engineering services, building maintenance of real estate, repairs, adaptations and adaptations, with the supply of parts, equipment, materials and labor, in the form established in the worksheets of services and various inputs described in the National System of Research of Costs and Indexes of Civil Construction, hereinafter referred to as SINAPI
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Jul 2023 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator & Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works & Engineering services & Engine parts & Building materials & Construction materials & Parts of engines or motors & Construction work for buildings relating to education and research & Construction work for research buildings & Consultative engineering and construction services & Real estate services & Building construction work & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Repair and maintenance services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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