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Installation of single-phase meters and cable laying. - 416632

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This tender with title Installation of single-phase meters and cable laying. - 416632 --

Установка счетчики однофазные и прокладка кабель.
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 Jul 2023 for the country of Tajikistan. It has been categorized on Installation of cable laying. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Установка счетчики однофазные и прокладка кабель.

General Information

Installation of single-phase meters and cable laying. - 416632
Установка счетчики однофазные и прокладка кабель.
Invitation for Bids
17 Jul 2023
2 Aug 2023
Installation of cable laying

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