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Replacement work of wooden sleepers and anti-corrosion painting of the semi-goat crane

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This tender with title Replacement work of wooden sleepers and anti-corrosion painting of the semi-goat crane --

Lucrări de înlocuire a traverselor de lemn și vopsirea anticorozivă a macaralei semicapră
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 Jul 2023 for the country of Moldova. It has been categorized on Corrosion engineering services & Painting and protective-coating work of structures & Painting work of structures & Painting work & Painting work of buildings. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Lucrări de înlocuire a traverselor de lemn și vopsirea anticorozivă a macaralei semicapră

General Information

Replacement work of wooden sleepers and anti-corrosion painting of the semi-goat crane
Lucrări de înlocuire a traverselor de lemn și vopsirea anticorozivă a macaralei semicapră
Invitation for Bids
17 Jul 2023
14 Aug 2023
Corrosion engineering services , Painting and protective-coating work of structures , Painting work of structures , Painting work , Painting work of buildings

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