
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

ports of Granville - refueling stations modification and upgrading of the Quai Ouest station - construction of a station on the Quai Sud

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This tender with title ports of Granville - refueling stations modification and upgrading of the Quai Ouest station - construction of a station on the Quai Sud --

ports de Granville - stations d'avitaillement en carburantsmodification et mise aux normes de la station du Quai Ouest - construction d'une station sur le Quai Sud
has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jul 2023 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Petrol/gas stations construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

ports de Granville - stations d'avitaillement en carburantsmodification et mise aux normes de la station du Quai Ouest - construction d'une station sur le Quai Sud

General Information

ports of Granville - refueling stations modification and upgrading of the Quai Ouest station - construction of a station on the Quai Sud
ports de Granville - stations d'avitaillement en carburantsmodification et mise aux normes de la station du Quai Ouest - construction d'une station sur le Quai Sud
Invitation for Bids
2023/S 131-416359
12 Jul 2023
19 Sep 2023
Petrol/gas stations construction work

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